Who are we
Glop de Blau has professionals specialized in different disciplines. These are some of the people we are lucky enough to have on a regular basis.
Noemí Rodríguez
We hear you
Al costat de l’ordinador sempre hi ha una tassa d’Earl Grey.
Acaba de publicar el llibre “El que mai et vaig dir” #EQMEVD amb l’Editorial Límits (2023)
Viviana Besolí
We find solutions
Clàudia Solé
We advise you
Degree in Information Sciences from the UAB. She is the queen of SEM and SEO. Master the tools and particularities of online marketing.
She is Manolo Garcia’s number 1 fan. He goes to all his concerts and those of all his imitators.
Xus Boya
We give you the tools
From Undercoverlab she designs websites, online spaces and turns an inhospitable page, a store, a shop window or a home. Or whatever you want it to be. WordPress has no secrets for her. She is a tireless traveler and a great photographer.
Balta Borra and Manel A. Tito
And we make you shine
Baltasar Borra Núñez
In 1990, he began his audiovisual studies at the CECC (Centre d’Estudis Cinematogràfics de Catalunya). In 1993 he already works with the VTR7 production team. In 1995, with the creation of ATV, he worked as an assembler and producer. In 2001 he took the TV3 correspondent to the region of Alt Urgell and Pyrenees. In 2013, he created the production company Baloumedia and developed different audiovisual productions in the country. He never gets angry. Really extraordinary thing. (The rest of us are pretty bad-tempered)
Manel A. Tito
Almost 30 years of experience in the audiovisual sector dedicated to different tasks such as the production of live programs, the recording and editing of images or the coordination of work teams. In 1993, a stage of training began, passing through a large part of the local television stations in Barcelona. In 2000 he arrived in Andorra and was part of a production company in the country, eventually taking over its management. Streaming has no secrets for him.
Do you want to jump?
Let's talk
We look at who you are, what you want, what you need and propose tailored solutions.
And if we don't have them, we'll help you find them.
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