Legal warning

Information on the processing of personal data


Glop de Blau, strategic communication offers in its electronic addresses information related to the type of activity it carries out and the products and services it offers.

The content published here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute, in any way, a binding proposal capable of obliging the user to contract products or services with the company.

The activities carried out with Glop de Blau, strategic communication are carried out under the jurisdiction of Andorran law and the international agreements signed. The Courts of the Principality of Andorra are competent for any discrepancy or litigation.

For the above purposes, by Glop de Blau, strategic communication means the technological company Glop de Blau as well as its subsidiary companies and participating companies with their respective staff.

Intellectual property of the web

The content of this website – including, but not limited to, texts, images, brands, logos and other distinctive signs, audio or video files, color combinations – is protected by the Intellectual Property Law.

The distribution, modification, transmission, copying or any use of the contents of this website for public or commercial purposes without the authorization of Glop de Blau is an offense penalized by current legislation.

On the other hand, a non-exclusive, free and personal license is granted to use, copy, print, transfer and download to your personal computer any material or document available for this purpose on the web.

Terms of use of the website

Glop de Blau reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in this website, being able to limit or not allow access to this information temporarily or definitively without prior notice. Especially when technical difficulties arise due to facts or circumstances beyond Glop de Blau‘s control that, in its opinion, reduce or cancel the standard security levels adopted for the proper functioning of this website.

Glop de Blau declines responsibility arising from misuse of the contents.
The information contained in these web pages is current on the date of its last update and must be considered as guidance information for the user, relating to products and services and other additional information.

The user can confirm the update date of any information, if requested, through the e-mail box available on the same website.

Glop de Blau is not responsible for any discrepancies that may arise between the printed version of its documents and the electronic version of them published on the web.

Nor is it responsible for damages resulting from difficulties accessing the web, including those caused by malware or computer attacks, and in no way for drops, interruptions, absence or defects in telecommunications.

Glop de Blau disclaims responsibility for any information not contained in these web pages and, therefore, not prepared by the company itself; or not published under its name, and especially disclaims responsibility for the information contained in third-party web pages connected through links to the pages of Glop de Blau.